Historic Districts in Glendale
What They Are and How to Create Them
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 I 7 PM
Brand Library & Art Center Recital Hall
1601 West Mountain Street I map
Free and open to the public. No RSVP required
Are you interested in preserving your neighborhood's historic character and charm, or just want to learn about Glendale's historic districts? The Glendale Historical Society invites you to a Historic District Workshop on February 21 at 7:00 pm at the Brand Library & Art Center Recital Hall, located at 1601 W. Mountain Street.
The purpose of historic districts is to manage growth and development and to ensure that important character-defining architectural features of historic homes are maintained. They are defined by a concentration of properties representing one or more historic architectural styles or noteworthy patterns of development.
Glendale currently has seven historic districts with two more pending. They range in size from 13 houses in Adams Hill to more than 500 properties in Rossmoyne. Whether you want to learn more about these districts or find out how to establish a historic district in your neighborhood, you will want to attend this event!
This workshop will highlight Glendale's existing and pending historic districts, the financial and other benefits of historic districts, the myths and misconceptions, and the process for creating them. Individuals who have been through the historic district process will talk about their experiences and how they were able to build support in their neighborhoods for designation.
Co-sponsored by the City of Glendale Library, Arts & Culture Department, the workshop is free and open to the public. No RSVP required.
For further information, please contact events@glendalehistorical.org or 818-242-7447.